Video Title: A New Testament View of Vengeance

Instructor: Jerry Robinson

Length: 73 minutes

Table of Contents:

  • 0:02 – Introduction
  • 0:50 – How the groundwork for Christ’s teaching were laid in the Old Testament
  • 05:00 – Tough questions for those who think Jesus wants His disciples to carry and use a gun in self-defense
  • 13:00 – What did the early church teach about God’s vengeance?
  • 22:20 – The Apostles teach us not to return evil for evil
  • 38:36 – The Apostles teach us not to fear physical death
  • 48:56 – The Apostles teach us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
  • 52:00 – The Apostles teach us to model Christ’s endurance
  • 1:04:20 – The Apostles teach us to endure until the day of Christ’s return
  • 1:10:34 – Conclusion/Closing Prayer

Video Description: Now that we have studied the use of the sword in the Old Testament and have considered what Christ Himself had to say about the sword, we turn our study to the views of the early church regarding the sword, as recorded in the New Testament epistles and other writings from the first three centuries of Christianity.

If Christ desired the saints to arm themselves against the many dangers they faced, we can be certain that this command will be found throughout these writings of the early church.

To aid us on our journey, let us begin with an examination of the early church’s understanding of the Old Testament’s concept of vengeance. All throughout the New Testament, the concept of God’s ultimate vengeance, as described in the Old Testament, is further developed, reaffirmed, and extended. (Lev. 19:18; Deut. 32:35; Prov. 20:22; 24:29)

The pure aims of the infant first-century church are documented, warts and all, throughout the New Testament. During this important formative and foundational era, we witness a people so deeply convinced in the claims of a martyred preacher from Galilee that they themselves are willing to follow him into death.

This early bent towards martyrdom was made possible by at least two inherent beliefs common to early Christianity:

1) A sophisticated understanding of God’s ultimate vengeance (a “high” view of God’s vengeance),


2) a proper recognition of the temporal nature of this world system in the shadow of the coming Kingdom of God. (a “high” view of God’s eternal Kingdom)

One of the most foundational scriptures for understanding the view of vengeance adopted by the early church is found in Christ’s great sermon:

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:38-39)

Maintaining law and order under the Mosaic Law was a bloody business. There were no police, as we know them today. Instead, if justice needed to be served, it was often served by the kinsman-redeemer, who acted as the blood avenger.

Under the New Covenant, followers of Christ are no longer called to play kinsman-redeemer. We are no longer called to deliver vengeance to those who wrong us. Instead, we are to wait upon the Lord and trust in Him for vengeance.

No longer are we called to make sure that the score is settled on earth. Instead, followers of Christ refuse to return evil for evil.

In this powerful teaching, Jerry Robinson shares this deeper understanding of God’s ultimate vengeance as revealed in the New Testament.

Prepare to be challenged through this important teaching filled with numerous New Testament scriptural references that will provoke to think anew regarding God’s vengeance.

Enjoy the teaching!

About Jerry Robinson

I encourage you now to watch our latest teaching online. Once you have enjoyed this teaching, I recommend that you take three next steps.

Your Next Steps

1. Share this teaching with a friend or a family member. You can share the video link with anyone here. Even better, tell them to register for our 2019 monthly teaching series here.

2. Pray that God would you give you understanding and discernment about killing and self-defense. Seek to align your views not with your culture, but instead with God’s Word. You may not agree with everything we have said in this teaching, but it is important to know what you believe and why you believe it.

3. Embrace His Word and the culture’s scales will fall from your eyes on this highly controversial topic. That is our prayer for you.

We believe in the power of prayer. Send your prayer requests and praise reports here.

Next month, we will return with a powerful new teaching on the early Christians viewed government. I greatly look forward to sharing this new teaching with you next month. The concepts that I have taught and shared in this teaching series have personally transformed me from the inside out over the past several years. It is my prayer that these same concepts will lead to radical changes in your own life — for His glory.

Blessings to you!

Jerry Robinson –

P.S. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next live Bible teaching coming up on September 15. If you have not reserved your seat for our live 2019 teaching series, be sure to do that here as seating for the live event is limited! 


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