PODCAST: “Who Is My Neighbor?”—Jesus’ Answer Will Shock You

In this episode of The Gospel of Peace, we dive deep into the parable of the Good Samaritan and how Jesus uses it to break down social, religious, and cultural barriers to love.

PODCAST: Reading the Old Testament in Light of Christ

Discover how Christ’s love unlocks the Old Testament, revealing God’s consistent mercy and compassion across Scripture.

The Good News We’ve Been Waiting For

Jesus shows us what God is really like—nonviolent, self-giving love—and how understanding this transforms the way we see God, ourselves, and others

Debunking the Myths: Christian Nationalism and Violence

Discover the truth behind Christian nationalism and its myths. Uncover how Jesus’ teachings call us to nonviolent love and peace.

VIDEO REPLAY: The Gospel Of Peace w/ Jerry Robinson

Watch our new 2024 live webcast teaching series online now

VIDEO TEACHING: Just War Theory vs Christ

Can we follow Christ’s command to love our enemies through homicidal violence?

VIDEO: It's Time To Rethink Good and Evil

“Woe to those who call good evil and evil good…”

VIDEO: Should Christians Carry Weapons?

Has the Prince of Peace called his followers to fight against flesh and blood with carnal weapons of death?

Do You Agree With America’s Founders About Jesus Christ?

The evidence is overwhelmingly clear that many of America’s founding fathers did not trust in Christ, let alone believe in His virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, and free offer of salvation to those who repent of their sins.

Six Steps To Walking In Wisdom

When we seek wisdom, we are seeking the mind of God regarding earthly circumstances.

Has Your Love Grown Cold?

“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”

The Mystery of Lawlessness

We are living in an advanced stage of sin. Understanding the mystery of lawlessness is key in unlocking a true understanding of the great spiritual deception in these last days.

'Woe to the Rich...'

In this powerful teaching by Jerry Robinson, you will learn the significance of Christ’s message to the rich and the poor and what it means today. This teaching contains many fresh insights on the topic of wealth and poverty from a solid Biblical perspective.

VIDEO: Overcoming Political (And Religious) Propaganda

Are you falling for (and sharing) the lies of this age — or are you standing strong in these last days armed with God’s Word as your ultimate source of truth? Learn more in this powerful new video teaching with Jerry Robinson.

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PODCAST: The Cross Unmasked: How Jesus Overcame Evil with Good

PODCAST: The Cross Unmasked: How Jesus Overcame Evil with Good

In this episode, we’ll explore how Jesus absorbed humanity’s worst violence and responded with forgiveness and reconciliation. We’ll look at what this means for us as His followers and why the cross calls us into a radical way of peace.

Nonviolence and the Cross: How Jesus Overcame Evil with Good

Nonviolence and the Cross: How Jesus Overcame Evil with Good

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the most profound event in human history. Yet, it’s also one of the most misunderstood. The cross unmasks the futility and impotence of violence, human sacrifice, and even death itself. Jesus, the innocent victim of human hatred,...

True Riches Video Teachings

about Jerry Robinson [ Host ]

Jerry Robinson is the founder and executive director of the True Riches Academy, an online training center for Bible-believing Christians. He is also the host of The Gospel of Peace, a podcast dedicated to challenging traditional Christian views on violence, war, and enemy love, inviting listeners into the radical, nonviolent way of Jesus. Jerry has the heart of a teacher and seeks to “educate, equip, and empower” followers of Christ through the creation and distribution of educational materials in a variety of formats including: podcasts, video teachings, and e-books. 

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