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The Story of the Tower of Babel Explained
The story of the Tower of Babel appears in Genesis 11 and is filled with interesting clues for the student of Bible prophecy.
15 Questions For Those Who Believe America is a ‘Christian’ Nation
Today, millions of Christians believe America to be a “Christian” nation that is exceptional in many ways. But is America really a “Christian” nation? Those who view America as a “Christian” nation often point to the country’s founding principles and speak of the need to “take back our nation for God.”
TEACHING: Is America a Christian Nation?
Any historical examination of America’s origins, which fails to incorporate its pagan Greco-Roman philosophical heritage, its savage genocide of the native population centers, its dependence upon the subjugation of African slaves, and its violent opposition to, and overthrow of, monotheistic Christian monarchy, are merely myths created to soothe men’s conscience.
Stars in the Bible: 60 Bible Verses About Stars
The stars of the sky are mentioned many times in the Bible, comparing them to Old Testament saints, angels, and even church leaders. Stars in the Bible are a common occurrence.
VIDEO: The Secrets of the Blessed Man
In this brief, yet powerful, 12-minute video, Jerry Robinson shares the Biblical steps toward living — and staying — in God’s blessing, even in our own current age of turmoil.
LESSON: The Final Great Awakening
In this powerful new teaching, Jerry Robinson encourages believers with three biblical wisdom keys that will inspire you to maintain an eternal perspective in these dark spiritual times.
LESSON: Man Cannot Rule Man
In this powerful new teaching, Jerry Robinson provides much-needed wisdom to help you maintain an eternal perspective in our age of empire — and human government run amok!
VIDEO TEACHING: Which Jesus Do You Serve?
Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and even America itself, have all created their own preferred versions of “Jesus” that look markedly different from the Biblical Jesus.
What is Truth?
The truth that we seek begins with a man named Jesus Christ.
Daniel Chapter 2 Commentary
Read this Daniel Chapter 2 commentary with verse by verse comments by Jerry Robinson.
7 Inconvenient Biblical Facts About “Illegal” Immigrants
Some evangelical Christians are particularly clever at cherry-picking Bible verses that support their political agenda while ignoring those inconvenient passages that disagree with their worldview.
INTERVIEW: The Ethics of Self-Defense, Preparedness, and Political Activism
Are Christians justified in using firearms to defend their property, themselves and others? Will aligning with a particular political party rescue America from ethical and moral decline? What’s the difference between being politically active vs. politically aware, and which are we called to?
Seven Provocative Old Testament Facts About the Poor
Here are a seven obscure facts about Israel’s responsibility toward the poor taken directly from the Old Testament that will challenge you to rethink God’s view of poverty.
Eight Powerful Things the New Testament Says About the Poor
The Bible has much to say about the poor. Here are eight eye-opening reminders from the New Testament on God’s views of the poor.
Who Was Dorcas in the Bible?
The resurrection of Dorcas in the Bible is a powerful story that shook the ancient city of Joppa.
Nine Unusual Endtime Bible Patterns
Nine Unusual Endtime Bible Patterns
Seven Amazing Benefits For Those Who “Fear” the Lord
Scripture is clear that the eternal benefits of “fearing” the Lord far outweigh the temporal costs on this earth.
Six Strange Things That Glenn Beck (And Every Other “Good” Mormon) Believes
Many evangelicals consider Glenn Beck’s Mormon worldview to be completely harmless to their own faith. But should they?
Permit No Man To Define Your Purpose
A life spent attempting pleasing people is nearly as fruitful as one spent in judging them. It is folly to seek eternal answers from finite sources.
The Doctrine of Eternal Security: Differing Views
Within Protestantism, there are two prevailing views of the permanence of salvation: the Reformed view and the Arminian view.
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