Hello friends!

It was truly an honor to deliver our latest Bible teaching, “Woe to the Rich,” last Sunday evening at 6 pm CST before a live global audience. There was no distance in the Spirit as we joined together in prayer and Bible reading in order to search out God’s wisdom on money, wealth, and possessions. This teaching is a powerful and timeless message that speaks truth to power and reminds the rich of the handicap that wealth brings to their lives. I am excited to announce that this latest teaching is now available for free on-demand viewing. Just click the play button on the above video to begin watching now.

I am certain that “Woe to the Rich” will stir your spirit and refresh your soul with the truth of God’s Word delivered with boldness for such a time as this. We live in a time of great spiritual deceit. Ours is a time where man absorbs himself into the cities, pleasures, and philosophies of this world and has little time or attention for spiritual disciplines. The time is short and the harvest is overwhelming. False and vain riches abound, blocking the way to the true riches in Christ. This teaching means to point the way back to Christ and His Word on the topic of wealth through seven powerful wisdom keys drawn from the Bible

About Jerry Robinson

As with many of our other teachings, I know some of you who are small group leaders, home church facilitators, pastors, and Sunday School teachers will use this new teaching in your small group study or home church. For this reason, we are in the process of making a free “Woe to the Rich” Study Guide that breaks this 60-minute video teaching into a seven-week long small group study that will challenge your community to reconsider riches and poverty in light of eternal Kingdom economics and principles.

I have spent more than a decade studying the cross-section of the Bible and money and have been fascinated by the incredible things I have learned. I share many of those concepts in this teaching. Two teachers that have had an impact on me personally, and specifically in this teaching, are Larry Burkett and Jacques Ellul. Larry was a gifted Christian economist and communicator who spent much of his life sharing financial wisdom from the Bible both on radio and in numerous books. I remember listening to his radio show in my early 20’s and being drawn to his Biblical view of wealth. Likewise, another author that has had a profound impact on my thinking is the French Christian sociologist, Jacques Ellul. Those of you familiar with Ellul’s incredible book, Money and Power, will note how I have taken some of his work and expanded upon it for the purpose of illustration.

I encourage you now to go and watch our latest teaching online. Once you have enjoyed this teaching, I recommend that you take three next steps.

Your Next Steps

1. Share this teaching with a friend or a family member. You can share the video link with anyone here. Even better, tell them to register for our 2019 monthly teaching series here.

2. Buy and read Money and Power by Jacques Ellul. After reading this book, I was inspired to create this teaching. Ellul’s own work has been instrumental in my own research as I have studied what the Bible has to say about money for over a decade. While I cannot recommend every part of the book, I do endorse many of Ellul’s biblical insights and even share some of them in this teaching.

3. Find a way to identify with the poor. In this teaching, I challenge you to side with humanity against money. Too often, our money-loving culture puts money above people. Christians, on the other hand, choose to defend their fellow man against the greed of our wicked age. Pray for God to speak to you on how you can break the power of money in your own life by sharing what you have with those less fortunate. If you knock, the door will be opened.

Once again, I truly enjoyed this teaching. The concepts that I teach in this video have transformed me from the inside out over the past several years. It is my prayer that these same concepts will lead to powerful changes in your own attitude towards money, wealth, and possessions — for His glory.

Blessings to you!

Jerry Robinson – TrueRichesAcademy.com

P.S. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our next live Bible teaching coming up on February 10. If you have not reserved your seat for our live 2019 webinar series, be sure to do that here as seating for the live event is limited! 

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