The Bible is clear that our Creator God rules as King over all of creation.

As a King, it is only fitting that our Creator has a Kingdom.

When we are “born again” through a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, we gain entrance into God’s Kingdom. In addition to becoming full-fledged citizens of that Kingdom, we also become joint-heirs with Christ to rule as kings and priests under the headship and authority of King Jesus.

For millennia, the world was largely ruled by kings and kingdoms under various forms of monarchy. In the West, the political system of monarchy was overthrown in the wake of the Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment, and several resulting revolutions (such as in the U.S. and France).

Because the concept of kingdom (monarchy) is all but foreign to the modern Western mind, it is advisable for modern Christ-followers to spend time pondering the “kingdom” concept so as to apprehend what the Bible has to say about our true government.

The Kingdom of God is not a democracy. It is a rule of One will, not the will of many.

As kings and priests to God, we rule only in God’s name and serve God alone as our King.

Here are 21 principles that I have found in my own Bible study. Consider and ponder them for they are principles about man’s only hope: God’s Kingdom.

21 Kingdom Principles For Christians To Meditate Upon

Meditation #1: The Sovereignty of Our King

 A kingdom is the domain of a king and is the realm of his sovereignty.

As followers of Jesus, we are blessed to dwell in the Kingdom of God, a realm where Christ reigns supreme. In this kingdom, His love, justice, and peace are the guiding principles. Reflect on this profound truth: God looks like Jesus, and His reign brings the best news ever. Jesus, the King of kings, extends His sovereignty over every aspect of our lives, inviting us to live under His gentle and righteous rule. Let us surrender to His sovereignty, embracing His lordship with joy and gratitude, knowing that in His kingdom, we find true freedom and everlasting peace.

Meditation #2: The Gateway of Repentance

The repentant will enter into God’s kingdom of peace and reconciliation. The unrepentant will not enter into God’s kingdom of peace and reconciliation. (Matt. 3:2; 4:17)

When we understand that God looks like Jesus, we begin the journey of repentance by shedding our false views of God. Seeing God’s true goodness in Jesus reveals our own uncleanness in mind and deed. This revelation is not a condemnation but an invitation. An invitation to transform our souls forever by aligning our lives with the love and purity of Christ. In repentance, we turn away from our misconceptions and embrace the truth of God’s character. Through this sacred act, we enter the realm of His sovereignty, where our hearts are renewed and our spirits find peace in the presence of the King of kings.

Meditation #3: The Gospel of the Kingdom

Jesus’ core message was the gospel of the kingdom. (Matt. 4:23, 9:35)

In His teachings, Jesus invites us to step away from the world’s fleeting power struggles and enter a realm governed by divine love and humility. This kingdom is not of this world; it transcends earthly divisions and unites us under the sovereignty of Christ. As we embrace this kingdom, we commit to living out the radical love, peace, and forgiveness that Jesus exemplified, transforming our hearts and the world around us.

Meditation #4: A Heart for Righteousness

The kingdom of God belongs to those who desire righteousness. (Matt. 5:3)

When we desire righteousness, we are seeking to embody the character of Jesus in our everyday lives. It means striving for justice, showing mercy, and walking humbly with our God. As we pursue righteousness, we become citizens of God’s kingdom, experiencing His presence and peace in our lives. Let this desire transform you, drawing you closer to Jesus and His perfect example of love and justice.

Meditation #5: Blessed are the Persecuted

The kingdom of God also belongs to those who are persecuted for doing right. (Matt. 5:10)

In a world often at odds with the values of the Kingdom, standing up for justice, truth, and love can lead to opposition and suffering. Yet, Jesus calls us blessed when we endure persecution for His sake. This promise reminds us that our ultimate allegiance is to the King of kings and His unshakeable kingdom. When we are persecuted for righteousness, we are in good company, following in the footsteps of the prophets and Jesus Himself. Let this assurance strengthen your resolve to do what is right, knowing that in your struggles, you are advancing the kingdom of God.

Meditation: The Greatest in the Kingdom

The highest position of rank in the kingdom of God belongs to those who keep God’s commandments. (Matt. 5:19)

In God’s kingdom, true greatness is measured not by power or status, but by humble obedience to His commandments. Jesus teaches us that those who faithfully follow God’s will, with humility and a servant’s heart, hold the highest rank in His kingdom. In doing so, we embrace the true greatness that comes from living a life of humble service in God’s eternal kingdom.

Meditation: The Least in the Kingdom

The lowest position of rank in the kingdom of God belongs to those who fail to keep God’s commandments. (Matt. 5:19)

In the kingdom of God, our actions and obedience matter deeply. Jesus teaches that those who neglect to keep God’s commandments, or teach others to do the same, will find themselves holding the lowest position in His kingdom. This is a sobering reminder that our faith must be lived out through our deeds, reflecting God’s will in all aspects of our lives. Yet, even those in the lowest ranks are still within the kingdom—underscoring God’s boundless grace.

Meditation: True Righteousness

If your righteousness is not greater than that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you cannot enter the kingdom of God (Matt. 5:20)

Jesus challenges us with a profound truth: our righteousness must exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees to enter the kingdom of God. The righteousness of these religious leaders was often based on a legalistic and flawed understanding of God’s character—focused more on outward compliance than inner transformation. Jesus came to correct this, revealing the truth about a God of love, mercy, and grace. True righteousness springs from a heart aligned with God’s will. It’s not about perfect rule-following but about living out the spirit of the law through genuine love.

9. Jesus taught his disciples to summon God’s Kingdom through prayer. (Matt. 6:10)

10. All of man’s basic necessities will be met when he pursues the kingdom of God above all else. (Matt. 6:33)

11. On the day of judgment, many lawless individuals will demand entry into God’s kingdom but they will be rejected for failing to pursue the will of God with their life. (Matt. 7:21)

12. Many gentiles shall inherit the kingdom of God while the very “sons of the kingdom” (Jews) will be “cast into outer darkness.” (Matt. 8:11,12)

13. He that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist. (Matt.11:11)

14. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. (Matt. 12:25, Mark 3:24)

15. Through parables, Christ revealed the mysteries of God’s kingdom. But only those with eyes to see and ears to hear could apprehend those mysteries. (Matt. 13:10-13, Mark 4:11)

16. Hearing the gospel of the kingdom is not enough; one must understand it and allow it to bear fruit in his life. (Matt. 13:18-23)

17. The Kingdom belongs to God the Father. “Thine is the kingdom” (Matt. 6:13)

18. The Kingdom of God enjoys exponential growth though it began as the size of a mustard seed (Matt. 13:31-33)

19. At Christ’s return, He will command His angels to gather up everything in His Kingdom that causes sin and all who do evil and to cast them into a fiery furnace. (Matt. 13:42,43)

20. The Kingdom of God is priceless, like a “pearl of great price” or a great treasure hidden in a field, to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. (Matt. 13:44-46)

21. The Kingdom of God is like a fisher’s net that is cast into the sea gathering up both good and bad. When the catch is drawn in, the good will be collected for the Master’s use while the bad will be cast into the fiery furnace. (Matt. 13:47-50)

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