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Why Did Jesus Speak In Parables?
Jesus taught and revealed the mysteries of God’s Kingdom through the use of parables. But only those who had “ears to hear” could discern them.
VIDEO TEACHING: A Biblical View of the American Revolution
How should a Christian believer view political revolutions? What does the Bible say on the matter? Learn more in this compelling video teaching.
VIDEO TEACHING: Democracy vs the Bible
Is democracy a gift from God? Or is it an ancient pagan deception foretold in Bible prophecy? Learn more in this compelling video teaching with Jerry Robinson.
VIDEO TEACHING: The Wheat and the Tares
Prepare to be challenged by fresh biblical understanding of Christ’s parable of the wheat and the tares in this one-hour video teaching.
VIDEO TEACHING: The Mystery of the Kingdom
Prepare to be challenged in your conception of the Kingdom of God in this powerful, unique kingdom-centered, Bible-based teaching.
VIDEO: A Biblical View of Elections
What does the Bible say about the topic of election? And how does it compare to man’s view of elections? In this unique and brief Biblical commentary, teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson exposes the confusion plaguing the American church today in the wake of the 2020 U.S. Presidential elections.
21 Kingdom Principles To Meditate On
The Kingdom of God is not a democracy. It is a rule of One will, not the will of many.
Should Christians Kill To Protect “Religious Liberty?”
Religions are man-made. God does not support “religious liberty” because He does not offer a religion. God is a King and offers a Kingdom.
The Joseph-Jesus Pattern
Here are the dispensational patterns of Joseph as a model for Jesus.
VIDEO: The Blind Leading The Blind
Like the definition of insanity, modern democracies keep electing individuals with the hope that something will change. But we are always disappointed.
The Triune Nature of God
God is one. However, the one true God is revealed in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three Persons are not three Gods. Instead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same God.
Daniel 4 Commentary
The fourth chapter of the book of Daniel reveals yet another dream by King Nebuchadnezzar along with another unfortunate interpretation by the great Hebrew prophet, Daniel.
The “Biblical” Roots of American Racism
In our modern era of civil rights for all Americans, not just those who have white skin, the evangelical church has had to adjust to a new way of thinking about race.
Do You Agree With America’s Founders About Jesus Christ?
The evidence is overwhelmingly clear that many of America’s founders did not trust in Christ’s virgin birth, His miracles, His resurrection, and His free offer of salvation to those who repent of their sins and pursue righteousness according to all of the revealed truths in New Testament.
Daniel 3 Commentary
The third chapter of the book of Daniel opens with an epic act of government tyranny committed by King Nebuchadnezzar.
VIDEO TEACHING: Overcoming Political (And Religious) Propaganda
Are you falling for (and sharing) the lies of this age — or are you standing strong in these last days armed with God’s Word as your ultimate source of truth?
VIDEO TEACHING: A New Testament View of Vengeance
If Christ desired the saints to arm themselves against the many dangers they faced, we can be certain that this command will be found throughout these writings of the early church.
VIDEO TEACHING: Does Jesus Command His Followers To Carry A Sword?
In Part 1 of our teaching entitled, The Sword in the New Testament, we continue in our sweeping study of what the Bible has to say about the use of the sword as we turn our attention to the New Testament.
What Are The Moral Lessons of the American Revolution?
Are there any moral lessons for modern-day Christians to be learned from the American Revolution? And is it wise for Christ followers to celebrate the spirit of revolution that courses through American veins or the rebellion that is a fundamental part of America’s DNA?
VIDEO TEACHING: Woe to the Rich
Learn what the Bible says about the rich and the poor in this powerful video teaching by Jerry Robinson
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