We are surrounded by false teachers in these last days. Learn the hallmarks of false teachers in this insightful teaching with Jerry Robinson. The New Testament warns that our age will be marked by a surge in false teaching and false prophecies....
What does Christian civil disobedience look like? Learn the answer in this insightful teaching with Jerry Robinson Is it ever okay for Christians to disobey the government? If so, when? Does the Bible endorse violent revolution against the government?...
Prepare to see Bible prophecy unfold in a new way through this inspired teaching with Jerry Robinson We are living in an advanced stage of sin. Understanding the mystery of lawlessness is key in unlocking a true understanding of the great spiritual...
Prepare to see Bible prophecy unfold in the Sinai wilderness in this inspired teaching with Jerry Robinson There are many types and shadows regarding the future that can be seen in the pages of the Old Testament. Perhaps one of the most powerful types...
Did the American Revolution Violate Scripture? What does the Bible say about revolutions and obedience to kings? What was the American Revolution all about? What were its aims and did it succeed in achieving them? In this highly unique teaching about the...
What Does The Bible Say About Democracy? Is democracy a gift from God? Or is it an ancient pagan deception foretold in Bible prophecy? In this extremely unique teaching with Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson, you will learn: – What democracy is,...
Video Title: The Wheat and the Tares Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 55 minutes Table of Contents: 00:10 – Introduction/Opening comments 05:21 – The parable of the wheat and the tares 07:04 – Jesus explains the meaning of the parable of the...
Video Title: The Mystery of the Kingdom Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 62 minutes Table of Contents: 00:10 – Introduction 01:22 – Opening prayer + A brief introduction to Biblehub.com 06:07 – The biblical foundation for this teaching...
Video Title: Overcoming Political (And Religious) Propaganda Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 76 minutes Table of Contents: 0:02 – Introduction 02:00 – We are surrounded by propaganda 03:00 – The incredible human brain 06:15 – How technology...
Video Title: A New Testament View of Vengeance Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 73 minutes Table of Contents: 0:02 – Introduction 0:50 – How the groundwork for Christ’s teaching were laid in the Old Testament 05:00 – Tough questions for those...
Video Title: Does Jesus Command His Followers To Carry A Sword? Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 75 minutes Table of Contents: 0:05 – Prayer 1:20 – Introduction 2:15 – Brief recap of our recent teaching of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount...
Hello friends! It was truly an honor to deliver our latest Bible teaching, “Woe to the Rich,” last Sunday evening at 6 pm CST before a live global audience. There was no distance in the Spirit as we joined together in prayer and Bible reading in order to search out...
Watch on YoutubeVIDEO TEACHING SUMMARY: In this second teaching, the vital difference between the Kingdom of man from the Kingdom of God. America was birthed in rebellion, built on slave labor, enriched by its two largest exports of rum and tobacco and divided over...
Video Teaching Video: Which Jesus Do You Serve? Date Recorded: March 10, 2016 Teacher: Jerry Robinson Video Description: Jesus warned that in the final days before His return many false messiahs would come in His Name claiming to be Him. In this hour of great...
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MP3 Teaching: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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