Since the beginning of time, humanity has wrestled with questions about its origin and purpose. Who made us? Is there a God? And if so, what is God like? Is He a distant, indifferent being? Is He angry? Or is there something we’ve missed all along? Throughout history,...
Jesus once asked: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?” (Luke 6:39) Today, we live in the tumultuous and confusing environment of man’s pitiful attempts at self-rule. A deep and growing hunger for man-made solutions to God-sized...
America’s Founders vs. The Biblical Jesus Since finding Christ in 1994 I have been largely confounded by the calls of sincere fellow believers in their zeal to put “God” back into “America.” Just tune into virtually any Christian...
“Are there any moral lessons for modern-day Christians to be learned from the American Revolution?” That was the question I posed during a recent radio interview with a popular American Christian pastor: Dr. David Jeremiah. With decades of Biblical ministry experience...
Today, millions of Christians believe America to be a “Christian” nation that is exceptional in many ways. But is America really a “Christian” nation? Those who view America as a “Christian” nation often point to the country’s...
Despite the spirit of hopelessness that is spreading like cancer through the world, there is a silver lining to our current global crisis. As humanity awakens from its long slumber to a myriad of broken promises by its government and religious leaders, they are also...
If history is a guide to anything, it is a guide to the rise and inevitable decline of failed human governments throughout the ages. And although human government is a necessary evil in man’s current sinful state, it was not God’s “original intent”...
Can you name a religion started by a pedophile false prophet who wrote his own “holy” book to shed new light on the Bible? If you guessed Islam and Mormonism, you are correct! As someone who was raised as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses — before...
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VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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