What does the Bible say about the topic of election? What is election according to the Bible? And how does it compare to man’s view of elections? Does it talk about voting in the Bible? This brief video commentary focuses on exposing the confusion plaguing the...
Jesus once asked: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?” (Luke 6:39) Today, we live in the tumultuous and confusing environment of man’s pitiful attempts at self-rule. A deep and growing hunger for man-made solutions to God-sized...
“Are there any moral lessons for modern-day Christians to be learned from the American Revolution?” That was the question I posed during a recent radio interview with a popular American Christian pastor: Dr. David Jeremiah. With decades of Biblical ministry experience...
The church in America will ultimately become much more effective when it lays down its heavy gavel of judgment and instead, chooses to be motivated by a heart of compassion and love. Today, many within the American church have become insistent upon being accommodated....
Here’s a link to a great site to keep up with a variety of economic U.S. debt figures. It’s called the U.S. Debt Clock. I have posted a direct link to it on the front page of https://truerichesacademy.com. Or you can just click here >>...
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VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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