We are surrounded by false teachers in these last days. Learn the hallmarks of false teachers in this insightful teaching with Jerry Robinson. The New Testament warns that our age will be marked by a surge in false teaching and false prophecies....
While false prophets have plagued the American church since its foundation, it is clear that they have become more pronounced in the age of Trump. For years, our ministry has been pointing out the spiritual blindness that pervades the American church. With each...
What does Christian civil disobedience look like? Learn the answer in this insightful teaching with Jerry Robinson Is it ever okay for Christians to disobey the government? If so, when? Does the Bible endorse violent revolution against the government?...
Prepare to see Bible prophecy unfold in a new way through this inspired teaching with Jerry Robinson We are living in an advanced stage of sin. Understanding the mystery of lawlessness is key in unlocking a true understanding of the great spiritual...
In this brief video excerpt, Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson explains the meaning of the word “aión” and discusses what we can learn about it from the New Testament writings. VIDEO: The Mystery of the “Present Evil Age”...
Prepare to see Bible prophecy unfold in the Sinai wilderness in this inspired teaching with Jerry Robinson There are many types and shadows regarding the future that can be seen in the pages of the Old Testament. Perhaps one of the most powerful types...
In this brief video excerpt, Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson discusses the many mysteries in the Bible and explains that they can only be apprehended and understood through revelation, not reason. The word “mystery” appears 28 times in the New...
Did the American Revolution Violate Scripture? What does the Bible say about revolutions and obedience to kings? What was the American Revolution all about? What were its aims and did it succeed in achieving them? In this highly unique teaching about the...
“The new is in the old concealed; the old is in the new revealed.” (St. Augustine) The Bible is filled with patterns, types, and shadows of things to come. Unlike any other book, the nuggets of truth that can be mined from each of its pages are inexhaustible. One...
by Jerry Robinson Daniel 4 Commentary: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of a Great Tree The fourth chapter of the book of Daniel provides the Bible prophecy student with yet more insights based upon the divine details revealed to the Babylonian king in a dream. This time,...
by Jerry Robinson Daniel 3 Commentary: Nebuchadnezzar’s Golden Image and the Fiery Furnace The third chapter of the book of Daniel opens with another epic act of government tyranny committed by King Nebuchadnezzar. This time, instead of demanding an interpretation of...
The story of the Tower of Babel appears in Genesis 11 and is filled with interesting clues for the student of Bible prophecy. In this brief clip from a lecture delivered by Bible teacher/author Jerry Robinson, rediscover the story of man’s first organized...
Despite the spirit of hopelessness that is spreading like cancer through the world, there is a silver lining to our current global crisis. As humanity awakens from its long slumber to a myriad of broken promises by its government and religious leaders, they are also...
If history is a guide to anything, it is a guide to the rise and inevitable decline of failed human governments throughout the ages. And although human government is a necessary evil in man’s current sinful state, it was not God’s “original intent”...
Video Teaching Video: Which Jesus Do You Serve? Date Recorded: March 10, 2016 Teacher: Jerry Robinson Video Description: Jesus warned that in the final days before His return many false messiahs would come in His Name claiming to be Him. In this hour of great...
by Jerry Robinson Daniel Chapter 2 Commentary: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream In the second chapter of the book of Daniel, we are transported to the second year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar. The chapter centers around Nebuchadnezzar’s troubling, yet prophetic,...
There are many unique patterns that are found throughout the Bible. Below, you will find nine interesting patterns where God reveals the end from the beginning. “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,...
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VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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