The central message of Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry was the Kingdom of God. A simple review of the gospels reveals that Christ’s primary mission was to teach mankind how to enter the Kingdom of God. Both John the Baptist (who heralded the coming of...
Jesus taught and revealed the mystery of God’s Kingdom through the use of parables. But only those who had “ears to hear” could discern them. (Matt. 13:10-13, Mark 4:11) During his brief three-year ministry, Christ preached good news to the poor, healed...
Did the American Revolution Violate Scripture? What does the Bible say about revolutions and obedience to kings? What was the American Revolution all about? What were its aims and did it succeed in achieving them? In this highly unique teaching about the...
What Does The Bible Say About Democracy? Is democracy a gift from God? Or is it an ancient pagan deception foretold in Bible prophecy? In this extremely unique teaching with Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson, you will learn: – What democracy is,...
Video Title: The Wheat and the Tares Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 55 minutes Table of Contents: 00:10 – Introduction/Opening comments 05:21 – The parable of the wheat and the tares 07:04 – Jesus explains the meaning of the parable of the...
Video Title: The Mystery of the Kingdom Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 62 minutes Table of Contents: 00:10 – Introduction 01:22 – Opening prayer + A brief introduction to 06:07 – The biblical foundation for this teaching...
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MP3 Teaching: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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