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Did Jesus Drink Wine?
Did Jesus drink wine while He was on Earth, or was the “fruit of the vine” just fresh grape juice?
Who Is Semiramis?
Ancient history tells an very interesting story about a mother and child which eventually becomes a major motif throughout most world cultures. The mother’s name is Semiramis and her child’s name was Tammuz.
The Battle of Carchemish
The Battle of Carchemish is considered by historians to be one of the major battles in world history in which the Babylonian army humbled the Assyrian army.
Are You an “Activist” or One of the “Aware?”
Have our tumultuous modern times driven you to an attitude of Activism or Awareness? Jerry Robinson explains the important difference for Christians.
Waking Up From the American Dream: Why The Message Of ‘Sacrifice’ Is Coming To The American Church
Today, much of the American Church has embraced the economic delusion that will ultimately lead to our nation’s downfall.
The Most Influential Evangelist You’ve Never Heard Of
“We looked up every citation Barton said was from the Bible, but not one of them checked out.”
Mississippi Church Rejects Black Couple’s Wedding
After America’s shameful history of enslavement of the black race and the church’s inexcusable silence during the civil rights era, this is just another ridiculous page in the American church’s history.
Its Time to Build a Network of Friends and Family
Americans have gained a reputation around the world of being highly individualistic creatures. Our culture places great value upon self-sufficiency and self-reliance. While these are admirable traits when properly applied, they are attitudes that are foreign to the...
Worship the Lord with Your Giving
One of my favorite scriptures on generosity is found in 2 Corinthians 9:6–7. There, the Apostle Paul states: "But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in...
How to Seek the Kingdom of God First
Don’t place your hope and trust in man’s ability to rule himself. That is God’s role.
A Free Christianity Meditation Video on the Love of God
Watch this beautiful Christianity meditation video on the love of God.
How to Witness to a Jehovah’s Witness: Tips and Techniques That Work at the Door
This page is designed to be a resource for those who want to learn how to witness to a Jehovah Witness. (Actually, they refer to themselves as "Jehovah's Witnesses.") As a former Jehovah's Witness, I want to share my story with along with some important strategies...
Six Key Strategies For Waging Effective Spiritual Warfare
Do you ever feel as if your mind is too noisy? Recently, the Lord has been dealing with me greatly regarding the topic of spiritual warfare. We live in times of great darkness. And Satan is ever mindful of how he can deceive us or distort our views about ourselves,...
You Might Be Richer Than You Think
By Laura Rowley Posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2009, 12:00AM As this column appears on Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., I thought it would be a good opportunity to look at wealth in a holistic way -- and from a global perspective. The media typically frames wealth in...
Religious life won’t be the same after downturn (AP)
Religious life won't be the same after downturn Congregations, religious schools fall victim to recession; leaders say more losses ahead By Rachel Zoll, AP Religion Writer On Monday September 28, 2009, 7:11 pm EDT NEW YORK (AP) -- Organized religion was already in...
The Coming Breakdown of the Petrodollar System (Jerry Robinson)
by Jerry Robinson, March 2007 In 1971 a deal was struck between OPEC and the United States in which every barrel of oil purchased in the global marketplace would be bought with U.S. dollars. Any country, therefore, wanting to buy oil must have first exchanged its...
U.S. Debt Clock – Eye Opening Stats
Here's a link to a great site to keep up with a variety of economic U.S. debt figures. It's called the U.S. Debt Clock. I have posted a direct link to it on the front page of Or you can just click here >>
Get Rooted in the Word
by Jerry Robinson Originally Posted on 7/18/2007 In the midst of war and global chaos, Christians need to become grounded in the things of God; for themselves and for others! In December 2002 I felt a strong urge to develop a ministry that would monitor current...
Eve’s Three-Fold Desire
The snake slithered into the Garden, and Eve was found wanting…
Tisha b’ Av: A Tragic and Peculiar Day
Tisha b’ Av or the 9th day of the month of Av is the darkest day on the Hebrew calendar. Consider the following tragic events that have transpired on this dark and sad day in Jewish history.
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