Gun violence has long been a hallmark of America, but it has become even more so in recent decades. Today, American Christians are bombarded by messages of fear from the corporate media regarding the rise of gun violence across the country. This fear has caused many...
In this brief video commentary, Bible teacher/author Jerry Robinson shares how he witnesses to those who insist that Luke 22:36 gives them permission to purchase a firearm. Luke 22:36 is perhaps the most common proof text used by those who believe that the New...
Does the Prince of Peace want His sheep to pack heat? The U.S. has a special relationship with firearms. This special relationship with guns began in this nation’s infancy and continues into the 21st century. Today, people from other nations stand in horror at...
Readers NoteThis is an excerpt from a new full-length teaching by Jerry Robinson entitled: A Biblical View of the American Revolution. (You can watch the full online video teaching here.) Thomas Jefferson is lauded by all Americans as a powerful force and key...
What does the Bible say about the topic of election? What is election according to the Bible? And how does it compare to man’s view of elections? Does it talk about voting in the Bible? This brief video commentary focuses on exposing the confusion plaguing the...
America’s Founders vs. The Biblical Jesus Since finding Christ in 1994 I have been largely confounded by the calls of sincere fellow believers in their zeal to put “God” back into “America.” Just tune into virtually any Christian...
“Are there any moral lessons for modern-day Christians to be learned from the American Revolution?” That was the question I posed during a recent radio interview with a popular American Christian pastor: Dr. David Jeremiah. With decades of Biblical ministry experience...
Today, millions of Christians believe America to be a “Christian” nation that is exceptional in many ways. But is America really a “Christian” nation? Those who view America as a “Christian” nation often point to the country’s...
Watch on YoutubeVIDEO TEACHING SUMMARY: In this second teaching, the vital difference between the Kingdom of man from the Kingdom of God. America was birthed in rebellion, built on slave labor, enriched by its two largest exports of rum and tobacco and divided over...
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VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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