What If We’ve Misunderstood the Cross? What if the cross isn’t about God’s wrath being satisfied, but about God’s love being revealed? I realize this question might sound unsettling at first, especially if, like me, you grew up hearing sermons emphasizing that God had...
Listen to “Why Did Jesus Have to Die? (Rethinking the Cross) Why did Jesus have to die? For many of us, the answer seems simple—we’ve been told that Jesus died to pay for our sins or to take our punishment. But is that really the whole story? In...
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the most profound event in human history. Yet, it’s also one of the most misunderstood. The cross unmasks the futility and impotence of violence, human sacrifice, and even death itself. Jesus, the innocent victim of human hatred,...
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus famously issued this radical command to all who would follow Him: “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right...
We are surrounded by false teachers in these last days. Learn the hallmarks of false teachers in this insightful teaching with Jerry Robinson. The New Testament warns that our age will be marked by a surge in false teaching and false prophecies....
Prepare to see Bible prophecy unfold in a new way through this inspired teaching with Jerry Robinson We are living in an advanced stage of sin. Understanding the mystery of lawlessness is key in unlocking a true understanding of the great spiritual...
In this brief video Bible commentary, Jerry Robinson re-examines the powerful story of Barabbas, as recorded in the four gospel accounts of the New Testament. VIDEO: The Barabbas Deception – Which Jesus Would You Choose? On the day Christ was condemned to death,...
In this brief video excerpt, Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson explains the meaning of the word “aión” and discusses what we can learn about it from the New Testament writings. VIDEO: The Mystery of the “Present Evil Age”...
In this brief video excerpt, Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson explains the meaning of the word “kosmos” and discusses what we can learn about it from the New Testament writings. VIDEO: What The Bible Says About The World [feature_box...
In this brief video excerpt, Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson discusses the many mysteries in the Bible and explains that they can only be apprehended and understood through revelation, not reason. The word “mystery” appears 28 times in the New...
The central message of Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry was the Kingdom of God. A simple review of the gospels reveals that Christ’s primary mission was to teach mankind how to enter the Kingdom of God. Both John the Baptist (who heralded the coming of...
Jesus taught and revealed the mystery of God’s Kingdom through the use of parables. But only those who had “ears to hear” could discern them. (Matt. 13:10-13, Mark 4:11) During his brief three-year ministry, Christ preached good news to the poor, healed...
Video Title: The Wheat and the Tares Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 55 minutes Table of Contents: 00:10 – Introduction/Opening comments 05:21 – The parable of the wheat and the tares 07:04 – Jesus explains the meaning of the parable of the...
Video Title: The Mystery of the Kingdom Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 62 minutes Table of Contents: 00:10 – Introduction 01:22 – Opening prayer + A brief introduction to Biblehub.com 06:07 – The biblical foundation for this teaching...
Video Title: A New Testament View of Vengeance Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 73 minutes Table of Contents: 0:02 – Introduction 0:50 – How the groundwork for Christ’s teaching were laid in the Old Testament 05:00 – Tough questions for those...
Video Title: Does Jesus Command His Followers To Carry A Sword? Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 75 minutes Table of Contents: 0:05 – Prayer 1:20 – Introduction 2:15 – Brief recap of our recent teaching of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount...
Hello friends! It was truly an honor to deliver our latest Bible teaching, “Woe to the Rich,” last Sunday evening at 6 pm CST before a live global audience. There was no distance in the Spirit as we joined together in prayer and Bible reading in order to search out...
Video Teaching Video: Which Jesus Do You Serve? Date Recorded: March 10, 2016 Teacher: Jerry Robinson Video Description: Jesus warned that in the final days before His return many false messiahs would come in His Name claiming to be Him. In this hour of great...
The Bible has much to say about the poor. Here are eight eye-opening reminders from the New Testament on God’s views of the poor. 1. The poor are “blessed” Luke 6:20-21 – And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you...
The resurrection of a precious woman named Dorcas in the Bible is a powerful story that shook the ancient city of Joppa. One of the more beautiful stories in the New Testament is found in Acts 9:36-42 where we learn of a precious Christian woman named Dorcas (or...
The Doctrine of Eternal Security Differing views on an important topic Within Protestantism, there are two prevailing views of the permanence of salvation: the Reformed view and the Arminian view. The Reformed view, which was championed by the influential French...
Did you know that all the names of Jesus used in the Bible add up to over 100? We, as Christians, believe that Jesus name exudes power. Therefore, we should know all the names of Jesus. The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash...
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MP3 Teaching: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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