Forgiveness. It’s one of the hardest things to give and, sometimes, even harder to receive. In a world hell-bent on revenge, forgiveness can often seem like weakness. But Jesus shows us something radically different. His life and teachings reveal that forgiveness...
“And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12) Has your love grown cold? The love of many has grown cold in America (and around the world,) which explains why so many today prefer hatred of enemies over...
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus famously issued this radical command to all who would follow Him: “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right...
Wisdom is the application and execution of accurate knowledge that has been correctly apprehended. When we seek wisdom, we are seeking the mind of God regarding earthly circumstances. If we walk in true wisdom, we are seeing things from God’s perspective....
Q:Hi Jerry, thanks for your teachings. I’m interested to get your opinion on ‘civil disobedience’ in relation to the various restrictions that Churches (all …. not just Christian evangelical churches) have had imposed on their gatherings during the COVID19...
What does Christian civil disobedience look like? Learn the answer in this insightful teaching with Jerry Robinson Is it ever okay for Christians to disobey the government? If so, when? Does the Bible endorse violent revolution against the government?...
In this brief video excerpt, Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson explains the meaning of the word “kosmos” and discusses what we can learn about it from the New Testament writings. VIDEO: What The Bible Says About The World [feature_box...
The central message of Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry was the Kingdom of God. A simple review of the gospels reveals that Christ’s primary mission was to teach mankind how to enter the Kingdom of God. Both John the Baptist (who heralded the coming of...
Did the American Revolution Violate Scripture? What does the Bible say about revolutions and obedience to kings? What was the American Revolution all about? What were its aims and did it succeed in achieving them? In this highly unique teaching about the...
What does the Bible say about the topic of election? What is election according to the Bible? And how does it compare to man’s view of elections? Does it talk about voting in the Bible? This brief video commentary focuses on exposing the confusion plaguing the...
The Bible is clear that our Creator God rules as King over all of creation. As a King, it is only fitting that our Creator has a Kingdom. When we are “born again” through a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, we gain entrance into...
This video was made in response to a viewer question. Have a question you would like us to answer? Send it securely here. Q: Hi Jerry, I really appreciate your teachings on the topic of Christian non-violence and I am in total agreement that Christians shouldn’t...
It would appear rather strange that modern American Protestants are so reticent to share their views on the current racial tensions in the nation. After all, some of their predecessors held strong “biblical” opinions on the matter of race and expressed...
America’s Founders vs. The Biblical Jesus Since finding Christ in 1994 I have been largely confounded by the calls of sincere fellow believers in their zeal to put “God” back into “America.” Just tune into virtually any Christian...
Video Title: Overcoming Political (And Religious) Propaganda Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 76 minutes Table of Contents: 0:02 – Introduction 02:00 – We are surrounded by propaganda 03:00 – The incredible human brain 06:15 – How technology...
Video Title: A New Testament View of Vengeance Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 73 minutes Table of Contents: 0:02 – Introduction 0:50 – How the groundwork for Christ’s teaching were laid in the Old Testament 05:00 – Tough questions for those...
Video Title: Does Jesus Command His Followers To Carry A Sword? Instructor: Jerry Robinson Length: 75 minutes Table of Contents: 0:05 – Prayer 1:20 – Introduction 2:15 – Brief recap of our recent teaching of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount...
“Are there any moral lessons for modern-day Christians to be learned from the American Revolution?” That was the question I posed during a recent radio interview with a popular American Christian pastor: Dr. David Jeremiah. With decades of Biblical ministry experience...
Hello friends! It was truly an honor to deliver our latest Bible teaching, “Woe to the Rich,” last Sunday evening at 6 pm CST before a live global audience. There was no distance in the Spirit as we joined together in prayer and Bible reading in order to search out...
Today, millions of Christians believe America to be a “Christian” nation that is exceptional in many ways. But is America really a “Christian” nation? Those who view America as a “Christian” nation often point to the country’s...
Watch on YoutubeVIDEO TEACHING SUMMARY: In this second teaching, the vital difference between the Kingdom of man from the Kingdom of God. America was birthed in rebellion, built on slave labor, enriched by its two largest exports of rum and tobacco and divided over...
Video Teaching Video: The Secrets of the Blessed Man Date Recorded: Feb. 2, 2017 Teacher: Jerry Robinson Video Description: Many Christians are losing hope today because they ingest more propaganda than revealed truth on a daily basis. But we don’t have to lose...
Despite the spirit of hopelessness that is spreading like cancer through the world, there is a silver lining to our current global crisis. As humanity awakens from its long slumber to a myriad of broken promises by its government and religious leaders, they are also...
Some Evangelical Christians are particularly clever at cherry-picking Bible verses that support their political agenda while ignoring those inconvenient passages that disagree with their worldview. For example, in recent weeks many American Christians have become...
Should Christians Pack Heat? Are preppers obliged to feed others? What about political activism? In this compelling three-part interview, Biblical researcher Jerry Robinson debates the ethical and scriptural considerations of using firearms in self-defense, prepping...
One of the most important spiritual concepts found throughout the Bible is the “fear of the Lord.” What is the “fear of the Lord?” What exactly does it mean? Let’s turn to scripture together to see what the Bible has to say. From the...
“Permit no man to define your purpose.” That is the phrase that kept rolling around in my heart and mind one recent evening. I quickly wrote it down and meditated upon it. As Christians, we have each been purchased by the blood of Christ. (1 Cor. 6:20) Our...
The church in America will ultimately become much more effective when it lays down its heavy gavel of judgment and instead, chooses to be motivated by a heart of compassion and love. Today, many within the American church have become insistent upon being accommodated....
“Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time...
“Why am I here?” It is one of the most fundamental questions asked by every person who has ever walked the earth. It is a question that has baffled mankind since the beginning of time. After all, you and I played no role in our own existence. None of us requested to...
When did G.I. Joe replace Jesus and the Apostle Paul as the example of the true Christian life? During a recent interview on FoxNews, reality TV show host Phil Robertson (of Duck Dynasty fame) gave his opinion on how to deal with Middle East terrorism: “You...
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials.” – James 1:2 The word ‘consider’ in this passage is the Greek word: HEGEOMAI. It’s where we get the word hegemon or hegemony. It’s a word that conveys the...
Walking in the “flesh” is the default mode of every generation, including ours. It is what “I” prefer and it is what “you” prefer. Its what we’ve always preferred. In every generation, the path of a Christ follower has been...
The foulest sinner with breathe still within his being can be transformed instantly into a son of the Most High God. This was the life-altering message of Jesus Christ and all who have chosen to follow Him since His death, burial, and resurrection nearly 2,000 years...
Did Jesus drink wine while He was on Earth, or was the “fruit of the vine” just fresh grape juice? Did Jesus drink wine? Yes, He did. It is recorded in the Bible. We all understand that Jesus was God, the Son, and He was perfect God and perfect man. He...
(This is an excerpt from Jerry Robinson’s best-selling book, Bankruptcy of our Nation, first released in March 2009. Preview the book here.) by Jerry Robinson ___________________________________________________ “There is no means of avoiding the final...
All Things Considered David Barton says Americans have been misled about their history. And he aims to change that. “It’s what I would call historical reclamation,” Barton explains, in his soft but rapid-fire voice. “We’re just trying to...
The Word of God is powerful. Watch this beautiful Christianity meditation video on the love of God. Allow God’s Word to penetrate your mind and heart. Enjoy! – Jerry Robinson
Do you ever feel as if your mind is too noisy? Recently, the Lord has been dealing with me greatly regarding the topic of spiritual warfare. We live in times of great darkness. And Satan is ever mindful of how he can deceive us or distort our views about ourselves,...
Religious life won’t be the same after downturn Congregations, religious schools fall victim to recession; leaders say more losses ahead By Rachel Zoll, AP Religion Writer On Monday September 28, 2009, 7:11 pm EDT NEW YORK (AP) — Organized religion was...
by Jerry Robinson Originally Posted on 7/18/2007 In the midst of war and global chaos, Christians need to become grounded in the things of God; for themselves and for others! In December 2002 I felt a strong urge to develop a ministry that would monitor current...
by Jerry Robinson Originally Posted on 3/4/2007 “For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world.” (1 John 2:16 NKJV) In the above scripture, the apostle John states...
by Jerry Robinson Originally Posted on 2/24/2005 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” (Gen. 8:22 AMP) God has enacted certain eternal principles regarding time. The wise King...
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VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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