What If We’ve Misunderstood the Cross? What if the cross isn’t about God’s wrath being satisfied, but about God’s love being revealed? I realize this question might sound unsettling at first, especially if, like me, you grew up hearing sermons emphasizing that God had...
One of the most fascinating (and misunderstood) concepts in the Bible is the idea of being “elect” or “chosen” by God. The New Testament gives us several glimpses into this idea, showing us what it means to be called into a relationship with God, not as a passive...
Gun violence has long been a hallmark of America, but it has become even more so in recent decades. Today, American Christians are bombarded by messages of fear from the corporate media regarding the rise of gun violence across the country. This fear has caused many...
In this brief video commentary, Bible teacher/author Jerry Robinson discusses the little known “Jefferson Bible,” also known as “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.” This book, created by Thomas Jefferson (U.S. founding father and author...
In this brief video commentary, Bible teacher/author Jerry Robinson shares how he witnesses to those who insist that Luke 22:36 gives them permission to purchase a firearm. Luke 22:36 is perhaps the most common proof text used by those who believe that the New...
Does the Prince of Peace want His sheep to pack heat? The U.S. has a special relationship with firearms. This special relationship with guns began in this nation’s infancy and continues into the 21st century. Today, people from other nations stand in horror at...
Readers NoteThis is an excerpt from a new full-length teaching by Jerry Robinson entitled: A Biblical View of the American Revolution. (You can watch the full online video teaching here.) Thomas Jefferson is lauded by all Americans as a powerful force and key...
What Does The Bible Say About Democracy? Is democracy a gift from God? Or is it an ancient pagan deception foretold in Bible prophecy? In this extremely unique teaching with Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson, you will learn: – What democracy is,...
The Bible is clear that our Creator God rules as King over all of creation. As a King, it is only fitting that our Creator has a Kingdom. When we are “born again” through a profession of faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, we gain entrance into...
“I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord… I believe in the Holy Spirit.” (The Apostle’s Creed) God is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4-6) However, the one true God is revealed in...
Watch on YoutubeVIDEO TEACHING SUMMARY: In this second teaching, the vital difference between the Kingdom of man from the Kingdom of God. America was birthed in rebellion, built on slave labor, enriched by its two largest exports of rum and tobacco and divided over...
Learn 12 important Biblical lessons about stars derived from 60 different Bible verses in this in-depth word study by Jerry Robinson. Throughout most of the Old Testament, the word “star” is translated from the Hebrew word, kokab. (Pronounced...
Despite the spirit of hopelessness that is spreading like cancer through the world, there is a silver lining to our current global crisis. As humanity awakens from its long slumber to a myriad of broken promises by its government and religious leaders, they are also...
If history is a guide to anything, it is a guide to the rise and inevitable decline of failed human governments throughout the ages. And although human government is a necessary evil in man’s current sinful state, it was not God’s “original intent”...
The word “truth” pretty much sums up the focus for True Riches Academy. All we want is the truth, in all of its beauty, and even in its often not-so-pretty details. As we continue in our quest for truth, we should probably ask the all important question: What is...
Some Evangelical Christians are particularly clever at cherry-picking Bible verses that support their political agenda while ignoring those inconvenient passages that disagree with their worldview. For example, in recent weeks many American Christians have become...
In our modern era of unbridled capitalism, many believers have adopted a worldly attitude toward the poor. Many simply view poverty as a symptom of laziness and a lack of motivation. However, the Old Testament takes a very different approach in its view of the poor....
The Bible has much to say about the poor. Here are eight eye-opening reminders from the New Testament on God’s views of the poor. 1. The poor are “blessed” Luke 6:20-21 – And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you...
The resurrection of a precious woman named Dorcas in the Bible is a powerful story that shook the ancient city of Joppa. One of the more beautiful stories in the New Testament is found in Acts 9:36-42 where we learn of a precious Christian woman named Dorcas (or...
The Doctrine of Eternal Security Differing views on an important topic Within Protestantism, there are two prevailing views of the permanence of salvation: the Reformed view and the Arminian view. The Reformed view, which was championed by the influential French...
Most Christians celebrate Christmas (Jesus birthday) on December 25th. Is there evidence to conclude that it is actually the birth date of Jesus? Is the birth date of Jesus in December? Early in the fourth century, Church leaders decided they needed a...
Did Jesus drink wine while He was on Earth, or was the “fruit of the vine” just fresh grape juice? Did Jesus drink wine? Yes, He did. It is recorded in the Bible. We all understand that Jesus was God, the Son, and He was perfect God and perfect man. He...
Ancient history tells a very interesting story about a mother and child which eventually becomes a major motif throughout most world cultures. The mother’s name is Semiramis and her child’s name was Tammuz. In this article, we will focus on the identity of...
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MP3 Teaching: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
VIDEO: What About Israel’s War? (A Christian Perspective)
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