Daniel 5 Commentary

Daniel 5 Commentary

by Jerry Robinson Daniel 5 Commentary: Belshazzar’s Feast And The Fall Of Babylon The fifth chapter of the book of Daniel provides a breathtaking account of the collapse of the neo-Babylonian empire. Both secular history and the prophet Daniel confirm that the...
Are Gun Rights “God-Given?”

Are Gun Rights “God-Given?”

Does the Prince of Peace want His sheep to pack heat? The U.S. has a special relationship with firearms. This special relationship with guns began in this nation’s infancy and continues into the 21st century. Today, people from other nations stand in horror at...
Mysteries in the Bible

Mysteries in the Bible

In this brief video excerpt, Bible teacher/researcher Jerry Robinson discusses the many mysteries in the Bible and explains that they can only be apprehended and understood through revelation, not reason. The word “mystery” appears 28 times in the New...
The Joseph-Jesus Pattern

The Joseph-Jesus Pattern

“The new is in the old concealed; the old is in the new revealed.” (St. Augustine) The Bible is filled with patterns, types, and shadows of things to come. Unlike any other book, the nuggets of truth that can be mined from each of its pages are inexhaustible. One...
What is Truth?

What is Truth?

The word “truth” pretty much sums up the focus for True Riches Academy. All we want is the truth, in all of its beauty, and even in its often not-so-pretty details. As we continue in our quest for truth, we should probably ask the all important question: What is...
The City of Babylon

The City of Babylon

The city of Babylon ruled over one of the most important and powerful empires of ancient Mesopotamia. It was an important trading center during antiquity partly due to its prime location on the Euphrates River. King Nebuchadnezzar led numerous pro-trade civil planning...
Daniel 1 Commentary

Daniel 1 Commentary

We currently offer verse-by-verse commentary on the first five chapters of the book of Daniel. Read Daniel 2 Commentary here. Read Daniel 3 Commentary here. Read Daniel 4 Commentary here. Read Daniel 5 Commentary here.   by Jerry Robinson Now, we enter the Book...
10 Facts About the Ancient God Marduk

10 Facts About the Ancient God Marduk

Marduk was the chief god of southern Mesopotamia during the Babylonian Empire. Here are 10 facts about this important ancient Mesopotamian god. 1. He was the patron deity of the city of Babylon. 2. While his name is Marduk, it was probably pronounced as Marutuk. This...
King Jehoiakim – King of Judah

King Jehoiakim – King of Judah

Profile: King of Judah (609 B.C. – 598 B.C.) Lineage: House of David. Father: King Josiah. Mother: Zebidah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. Meaning of Name: “he whom Jehovah has set up” Highlights of his Reign: Several important events in Biblical...
Random Notes on the Table of Nations

Random Notes on the Table of Nations

This evening I am teaching in my home church from Genesis 10. This chapter contains the genealogy of Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. In the aftermath of the ancient Flood, the future of humanity would now spring from one of these three men. Below is a...
Who Was Nimrod?

Who Was Nimrod?

Nimrod was an ancient ruler of the Mesopotamian area known as Shinar. His empire flourished in the centuries following the Flood, described in Genesis 6. According to the Hebrew Bible, Nimrod was the son of Cush and the grandson of famed shipbuilder, Noah. Nimrod in...
Can You Name All the Names of Jesus?

Can You Name All the Names of Jesus?

Did you know that all the names of Jesus used in the Bible add up to over 100?  We, as Christians, believe that Jesus name exudes power.  Therefore, we should know all the names of Jesus. The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash...
Did Jesus Drink Wine?

Did Jesus Drink Wine?

Did Jesus drink wine while He was on Earth, or was the “fruit of the vine” just fresh grape juice? Did Jesus drink wine?  Yes, He did.  It is recorded in the Bible.  We all understand that Jesus was God, the Son, and He was perfect God and perfect man.  He...
Who Is Semiramis?

Who Is Semiramis?

Ancient history tells a very interesting story about a mother and child which eventually becomes a major motif throughout most world cultures. The mother’s name is Semiramis and her child’s name was Tammuz. In this article, we will focus on the identity of...

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